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Announcements & News:
Ralli Rock's neues Album "Locked Up & Blue?" erscheint!
Ein sehr abwechslungsreiches Album für Freunde des Classic Rock, Blues Rock und Folk Rock.
Die DELUXE CD ist limitiert, kommt im 3fach klappbaren Digi-Pocket und enthält alle Texte! Jetzt vorbestellen und ihr erhaltet die CD umgehend und vor dem offiziellen Release Termin.
Die CD ist z.Bsp auf Ebay, Bandcamp und natürlich in unserem CMP-Shop erhältlich.
Auch auf DIscogs wird sie in unserem eigenen Shop zu finden sein.
Das Album ist auch auf Streaming & Downloadl Plattformen wie Amazon, Apple, SPotify etc erhältlich.
Ralli Rock's new album "Locked Up & Blue?" is released!
A very diverse album for friends of classic rock, blues rock and folk rock.
The DELUXE CD is limited, comes in a 3 fold digi-pocket and contains all lyrics! Pre-order now and you will receive the CD immediately and before the official release date.
The CD is rightz now for example available on Ebay, Bandcamp and of course in our CMP-Shop!
Also soon on DIscogs
The Album is also available on streaming and Download platforms like Amazon, Apple, Sportify etc
16. June 2021
Ralf Rabendorn- "ELDORADO"
Taken from the Album "Die Hoffnung wird schon überleben"
Click here: Eldorado @ YouTube
DEUTSCH-ROCK-INDIE-BLUES with great lyrics & raugh charme!
Rcorded completely analog on 8 track cassette recorder!!
Pressed CD in digisleeve plus booklet available here:
and in all known streaming and download stores, like:
20. January 2021
Side 1:
Donnie's End
Side 2:
American Sliver
Traditional, political folk music on this debut single by:
The Most Unknown Man, out on January the 20th 2021.
and more
(DEUTSCH) Ein kleines Statement zur Lage der Nation.
Wir sagen NEIN zu den Corona Leugnern.
Wer das Virus leugnet, dazu noch andere gefährdet, braucht dringend einen Aluhut, den wir gerne kostenlos zur Verfügung stellen.
Unsere Label Chefin Irina, diplomierte Kinderkrankenschwester und nun in der mobilen Pflege tätig, hat selbst schon mit Corona Patienten zusammen gearbeitet und sie wünscht wirklich niemandem die möglichen Folgen dieser Krankheit.
Natürlich soll man nicht in Panik verfallen und auch den Spaß am Leben trotz der Pandemie nicht verlieren. Dies hat auch letztlich unsere Corona Hymne "Don't Panic, It's Just a Pandemic" von "Ralli Rock" zum Inhalt
Aber man soll bitteschön die Gesundheit anderer respektieren, die Hygiene Maßnahmen bereits aus Eigeninteresse befolgen und man soll auf keinen Fall gemeinsam mit hasserfüllten Anhängern eines verlorenen und verdorbenen Reiches marschieren.
Es gibt Grenzen und wir sagen ganz klar NEIN zu Rassismus & Hass.
Klar könnt und sollt ihr demonstrieren, wenn es Anlass gibt. Dann achtet einfach auf die Hygiene/Abstandsregeln und achtet vor allem darauf, wer da neben euch mitläuft. Das gilt generell!!
Man sollte sich von niemandem instrumentalisieren lassen.
"Wer mit Nazis angeblich für Freiheit demonstriert, eventuell sehr schnell die wahre Freiheit verliert".
Bleibt gesund, bleibt munter, bleibt human!!
Eure CMP- Crew
A small statement on the state of the nation.
We say NO to the Corona deniers.
Who denies the virus, in addition endangers others, urgently needs an aluminum hat, which we gladly provide free of charge.
Our label boss Irina, a certified pediatric nurse and now working in mobile care, has worked with Corona patients herself and she really doesn't wish the possible consequences of this disease to anyone.
Of course, one should not panic and also not lose the sense of humor in life, despite the pandemic. This is also the content of our Corona hymn "Don't Panic, It's Just a Pandemic" by "Ralli Rock".
But one should respect the health of others, follow the hygiene measures already for self-interest and one should in no way march together with hateful supporters of a lost and corrupted empire.
There are limitations and we clearly say NO to racism & hate.
Of course you can and should demonstrate if there is a reason. Please pay attention to the hygiene / distance rules and especially pay attention to those who are walking next to you. This is generally true!
You should not let yourself be exploited by anyone.
"Who supposedly demonstrates together with Nazis for freedom, may very quickly lose the true freedom".
Stay healthy, stay lively, stay humane!!!
Your CMP- Crew
23. May 2020
Ralli Rock - Don't Panic, It's Just a Pandemic / Oh Jolene (2020)
Side A: Don't Panic, It's Just a Pandemic
Side AA: Oh Jolene (Alternative Mix 2020)
The new double A Side punky glam rock single is NOW available worldwide (Amazon, all countries, YouTube, Google Play) and all stores like Apple, Google will follow, too within the next days.
Amazon Germany Amazon France Amazon UK Amazon US
and all other countries
.... and many more
6. March 2020
Reduced shipping costs for people outside of Germany:
1-10 CDs to EU: No tracking, NO insurance: 4,89€
1-10 CDs to EU: FULL insurance PLUS tracking: 7,89€
1-10 CDs WORLD (non EU): No tracking, NO insurance: 8,89€
1-10 CDs WORLD (non EU): FULL insurance PLUS tracking: 12,89€
1 CD Deutschland (Brief, unversichert) 1,95€
oder so viele ihr wollt für 4,49€ (versichert)
10. Dec. 2019
Ralli Rock - Oh Jolene
recorded in October 2019, released December 10th.
A raw, dirty rock'n roll hymn, dedicated to the one and only J.K.!
Stream, download and listen HERE
24. Mai 2019
(Deutsch) Neue Veröffentlichung von Ralli Rock. Die Piano/Vocals Ballade "Morning Light" erscheint auf Ralli Rock's IGTV Kanal
(English) New release from Ralli Rock. The piano / vocals ballad "Morning Light" has been released on Mr. Rock's IGTV channel
15 März 2019
Medienkonverter News bzgl. des neuen Testphasen negativ Albums "Die soziale Apokalypse | The Social Apocalypse"
Die älteren Herrschaften unter uns erinnern sich noch gerne an den Ursprung von Industrial, Dark Wave, Post Punk und den ganzen Krach gegen das Establishment. Und in eine ähnliche Kerbe schlägt jetzt Musiker "Ralf Rabendorn" mit seiner Band "Testphasen negativ" und dem Release "Die soziale Apokalypse | The Social Apocalpyse".
Und tatsächlich erinnert das Debütalbum aus dem deutschen Industrial Umfeld sehr an Veröffentlichungen von den "Einstürzende Neubauten". Wir erinnern uns schnell an "Yü Gung"! Das Release hat damals wirklich Grenzen verschoben und neue Möglichkeiten aufgezeigt. Und was soll man zum Album von "Testphasen negativ!" sagen? Meine Meinung ist: Leckt mich am Arsch – der Wahnsinn trifft auf Genialität! Hier trifft der schiere Wahnsinn auf die Kunstform als Musik und das Release ist fernab jeden Massengeschmacks. Allein das Video "Ritual" macht Bock auf mehr und DAS Release werde ich mir auf alle Fälle in den Plattenschrank stellen!
Aber verschiebt das Post-Industrial-Goth-Noise Meisterwerk von Ralf Rabendorn auch Grenzen? Wir werden sehen! Jedem der neugierig geworden ist, bleibt der Blick ins Video um sich eine eigene Meinung zu bilden.
(direct Link zum Beitrag)
11. März 2019
Testphasen negativ
"Die soziale Apokalypse | The Social Apocalypse"
Mayn shop where-to-buy links added (viele Shop Links zum Kauf hinzugefügt)
5. März 2019
-(Engl) Good news for EU customers. Unregistered shipping now only 4,20€!!!
-(Deu)Gute Nachtrichten für EU Käufer. CD Versand ohne Versicherung und ohne Versandnummer kostet jetzt nur noch 4,20€
Testphasen negativ album support video "Ritual" out now HERE
Album coming VERY SOON (sorry for delay)
25. Februar 2019
1) Goodbye Mr. Mark Hollis. Sad news for the music lovers. He was a genious
VIDEO PREMIERE Testphasen negativ Album-Support-Video "Ritual":
27. 02.2019 5 o'clock PM WATCH HERE !
Album coming early March / Album kommt Anfang März !
30. Januar 2018
(Deutsch) Bald ist es soweit. Ein Post-Industrial Meisterwerk der alten Schule kommt im Februar: Testphasen negativs "Die soziale Apokalypse".
Deluxe CD Edition & Download weltweit erhältlich z.Bsp. bei Media Markt, iTunes, Amazon MP3 & CD, Saturn, Müller, Google Play, NICHT auf Spotify (wir hassen die Sklaventreiber)...und natürlich in unserm eigenen Shop
(English) It's happening! The old-school Post-Industrial masterpeice is coming in February: Testphasen negativ's "The Social Apocalypse".
Deluxe CD edition & Download worldwide available (iTunes, Amazon CD & MP3, Media Markt, Saturn, Müller, Google, NO Spotify (we hate it)...and of course in our own shop!
17. Januar 2019
Die Deutsche Post hat es verboten, CDs/LPs wie üblich für Kosten um 3,90-6,20€ (voll versichert) international zu versenden:
Ihr müsstet jetzt 8,90-35 € zahlen!!
Was das bedeutet:
Wir, als ein echtes unabhängiges Label, sind jetzt kaum mehr in der Lage, CDs an internationale Rezensenten zu senden. Wir sind kaum mehr in der Lage, international zu verkaufen und das alles nur aufgrund der explodierten Versandkosten.
Deutschland ist ein Land, das von Gier, Kapitalismus und dem Schatten-Kabinett, der Wirtschaft, zerstört und ruiniert wird.
Wir halten das Label am Leben, aber dies könnte der Beginn eines langsamen Sterbe-Prozesses sein. Wobei wir erst aufgeben, wenn wir tot sind!
Wir müssen jetzt erstmal abwarten und nach ALternativen suchen, was den Versand anbelangt.
Dennoch: Die neue Testphasen negativ CD "die Soziale Apokalypse / die Soziale Apokalypse" kommt auf Deluxe CD (natürlich gepresst) am 19 Februar, 19 2019.
German Post (Deutsche Post) has forbidden to send out CDs/LPs the usual way for costs around 3,90-6,20€ (fully insured internationally.
You would now have to pay 8,90-35€!!
What does this mean: We, as a true independent label are for now now no longer able to send out CDs to international reviewers. We are no longer able to sell international, due to the exploded shipping costs.
Germany is a land, run and ruined by greed, capitalism and the shadow cabinet, the economic.
This could be the beginning of a slow dying process.
For now we have to wait and search for shipping alternatives.
New Testphasen negativ "Die soziale Apokalypse/The Social Apocalypse" is coming on Deluxe CD (pressed, of course) on February, 19 2019.
24. Dezember 2018
(DEUTSCH) Ralli Rocks brandneue EP, die als Download daherkommt und deren Teil Erlöse an Ärzte ohne Grenzen gespendet werden.
Zu hören gibt es 4 nagelneue akkustische Nummern (mit zusätzlichen Ovberdubs).
Für Freunde von Dark Blues, Alternative Blues, Acoustic Blues, Roots & Rock!
HIER GEHT ES ZUM DOWNLOAD oder HIER direkt bei uns
(English) Mr. Ralli Rock's new EP comes as download on Christmas eve. A good portion of proceeds goes to "Doctors Without Borders".
This EP features 4 new acoustic songs (with additional overdubs).
FOr friends of (Dark) Blues, Altrenative Blues, Acoustic Blues, Roots & Rock
PLEASE FOLLOW THIS LINK or here, directly from us
5. November 2018
DEUTSCH Wir haben gestern beschlossen, dass das neue, sehr spezielle Testphasen negativ Album "Die soziale Apokalypse" nun doch bei uns auf dem Label erscheinen wird.
Es kommt in einer einzigen, limitierten Sonderausgabe (300 CDs) im speziellen, übergroßen Cover daher und wird weltweit als Download und CD erhältlich sein.
Geplant ist eine VÖ an Weihnachten. Das könnte allerdings eng werden.
ENGLISH Yesterday we decided to release the latest and really special Testphasen negativ album "The social Apocalypse" on our label as a limited first-only edition of 300 CDs in an oversized cover. Release date MAYBE this Christmas Eve!
3. Juli 2018
2x NEWS: (English readers: please use google translator)
Sicherheitsupdate Website und Einkauf für die Hälfte!!!
Nachdem der Onkel R. jetzt 5 Tage die Website per Uralt HTML von Hand umprogrammiert hat, ohne dass er irgendwelche Hilfe bekommen hätte (klopf klopf) können wir euch mitteilen, dass die Website jetzt wieder unter der gewohnten Adresse "ContraMusikProduktion.de" abrufbar ist.
Die komplette Seite wurde so programmiert, dass nun alles als sicher eingestuft wird, SSL Zertifikat und dauerhafte https Weiterleitung inklusive.
Ihr könnte jetzt somit absolut sicher und verschlüsselt bedenkenlos im super einfach gehaltenen Shop per PayPal die CDs kaufen
BITTE UNBEDINGT EURE BROWSERDATEN LÖSCHEN, damit das Sicherheitsupdate greift!!!!
Zur Feier des Tages (gilt für Besetllung bis einschließlich 7.7 2018) erhält jeder, der etwas im CMP-Shop bestellt, nach Abschluss der Zahlung mittels PayPal von uns die Hälfte des Produktpreises (minus Versandgebühren) zurück!!!!!
Hier gehts direkt zum Mini Shop:
Eure CMP-Crew Hanni und Nanni
15. June 2017
* Happy Birthday Mrs. Li
*(CMP 35) RALLI ROCK & The Moan of The Sky - TO BRING TO LIGHT
CD version out now, too!
26. April 2017
* Happy birthday, Ralli Rock
* NEW album release / Neue Veröffentlichung
The Download version will be available worldwide as of April 26. The CD version will be officially available in stores as of June the 15,
but will be available on our own webstore already from April 26th on.
All those who order directly from us will also receive a signed copy and you will receive the CD definitely before the official release date in June!
Die Download Version wird ab derm 26. April weltweit erhältlich sein (Amazon, iTunes etc).
Die CD Version kommt offiziell am 15. Juni in den Handel.
Auf unserer Website könnt ihr sie bereits ab dem 26. April ordern.
All jene, die vorher bei uns bestellen, erhalten zudem eine signierte CD und ihr bekommt die CD definitiv vor dem offiziellen Release Termin im Juni!
19. März 2017
* Happy Birthday Mommy Gisela!
29. July 2016
10th anniversary
The professionally pressed CD comes in cardboard cover
packed in a 6 page DIN A5 cover.
Get your copy right here and remember: when it's gone, it's gone forever.
There won't be another edition!!
26. July 2016
Null Komma Null's debut album will be re-released in a Jewel Case Version.
It will be officially available from August 28 2016.
Nova MD will distribute the album, so it will be available in all well known stores.
Das Debüt Album von Null Komma Null wird in einer Jewel Case Version wiederveröffentlicht. Ein Booklet mit allen Texten ist ebenso dabei.
Die CD wird von Nova MD vertrieben und sie wird überall bestellbar sein.
15. June 2016
1) Happy Birthday Irina, chief of the sinking ship!!!
2) We have updated our website.
Finally,finally, FINALLY we have included ARTISTS -links on the right side on each site of our homepage leading you to separate ARTIST PAGES.
The artists SITES CONTAIN ALL AVAILABLE ALBUMS, artist links and of course also the "buy it now" buttons like in our regular shop page.
These new ARTIST makes it much easier for you to find all available albums of your favourite bands and artists. We have also included a few additional informations and pics.
Happy Father's day 2016:
The pressed CDs come in beautifully designed genuine digipac covers and can be ordered right now. The album is also available in your local stores in Germany soon, thanks to NOVA MD.
Other distributors and resellers are welcome to contact us.
Buy your copy HERE:
20. 03. 2016
Black Hole Raven's fantastic debut album is available as a download worldwide!
The pressed CD in digipac deluxe edition is coming end of April/beginning of May 2016.
Pre-orders accepted in our shop (slightly cheaper and priority handing)
December 24. 2015 (Christmas in Germany)
Today we are proud to announce the debut album "Hysterie & Alltag" by the German Underground Deutsch Rock Heroes "Null Komma Null".
Go straight to our shop and buy the deluxe or the standard version.
1000 pressed CDs in wonderful printed oversize covers (deluxe version only) for fair prices!
Sound samples, for example, on Amazon !
October/November 2015
Unfortunately German webzine "Kulturterrorismus" has surprisingly closed the doors.
We weren't able to save all reviews for our CD's, which is a shame, cause we have received fantastic critics from this zine. A few have been saved though, but not many, so some (not yet updated) links lead to an empty page.
Beside that, we are sad to see KT go.....R.I.P. and thx to Raphael.
October 2015
The deluxe covers for "Scherbenschlaf" have arrived! The album comes out VERY soon and this re-release of the infinitus Ensemble classic is STRICTLY limited.
It comes in the deluxe cover PLUS original and real Wallpaper outside cover!
A wonderful collectors edition for a moderate price!
The album is OUT now and sounds & looks great!
September 2015
We are proud to announce that we are going to release 1000 (one thousand) pressed copies of the upcoming fantastic debut album by Null Komma Null, a German rock band with German lyrics and damn great songs.
The album comes in two versions
There is a deluxe version limited to 300 copies (8 page cover plus cardboard cover!)
July 2015
-We are planning to re-release the fine and classy album "Scherbenschlaf" by Infinitus Ensemble. New and updated and prof. printed covers in extremely limited original wallpaper covers!!! Should come out winter 2015!
-Problems with the PayPal button for The Infrared Experience album "Dirty Drones of Thrones" have been solved!
June, 15. 2015
Nice to read review written by Ivan Tabos for Concrete Web.
Read what he thinks about Ralf Rabendorn's Among Black Hearts (which can be bought for 7,99€, shipping worldwide inclusive..and it's limited!)
May 2015
Good review for The Infrared Experience album "The Dirty Drones of Drones" by Ivan and Concrete Web!
March 19. 2015
General News
Plans for a Black Hole Raven (ROCK) CD, Null Komma Null (German Underground Rock) album and a classic rock album by Mr. Ralli Rock.
Ralf Rabendorn is working on solo songs for his solo project (or maybe under some other moniker?..who knows).
Mrs Irina is back in business and helping the crew as good as she can.
And Mama Gisela is celebrating her birthday today :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY
March 18. 2015
The brand new album by guitar only soundscape/drone/post-rock ambient-project
"The Infrared Experience" is coming on the first day of Spring 2015 (March 20.).
A wonderful hunting album with the fine title "The Dirty Drones of Thrones"
Available as a limited CD, prof. printed with thick 8page booklet plus inlay card (designed and photographed by Mr. Rabendorn)
The digital version is available worldwide on ALL known and unknown distributors (online sellers....(iTunes/Amazon/Google etc)
Look at the wonderful cover options:
October 24. 2014
Mr Rabendorns "Among Black Hearts" EP is out now on CD with special prof. canvas cover or as digital download worldwide!
October 12. 2014
pre listen to one full track of Rabendorn's latest release "Among Black Heart", which is coming on October the 24th.
Listen HERE
September 22. 2014
Mr. Ralf Rabendorn and his 3 track ballad EP "Among Black Hearts" is coming end of October in a 8x foldable DELUXE and LIMITED CD edition.
You can pre-order this very rare 3" CD now in our shop!!!!
August 07. 2014
"War is EVIL!"
by Mr. Ralli Rock & The Moan of the Sky
Download at:
You pay what you want, but keep in mind that half of the income of this song will be forwarded to an organization helping victims of war!
VIDEO links:
Words by the band:
"War is evil" is just a simple song.
This video was not made to support this song.
Actually the video was made one day before we recorded the song.
This video is NOT about sensationalism!!!
We couldn't stand the pictures of the never ending Gaza war (and other wars) and almost went crazy.
We had to record something. This poor little song was the result.
It was written and recorded within two days.
Anyway, this song came from the heart, with the victims in mind and it came spontaneously.
Sometimes we have to do something, have to shout it out, even such simple and naive messages.
Sometimes the simplest messages are the best ones and sometimes they HAVE TO be simple!
"War is EVIL!". Period.
July 2014
Long time no speak. Well, it was time to clean up our lives a bit.
But don't worry, there is still enough dirt left ;-)
In the making:
--Donation song "War is EVIL!" incl. free video with footage from the never-ending GAZA war by Mr. Ralli Rock & THE MOAN OF THE SKY (only digital)
--Full album by Mr. Ralli Rock & THE MOAN OF THE SKY (Autumn/Winter) (CD/digital)
--Full album by BLACK HOLE RAVEN (?) (CD/digital)
--Melodic EP by RALF RABENDORN (Autumn) (CD/digital)
November 30. 2013
(CMP 28) Black Hole Raven - First Flames
Black Hole Raven's debut EP "First Flames"
is out now....... for FREE!
More related infos & links in our
November 26. 2013
German Underground magazine "Kulturterrorismus" has released a very interesting review about Testphasen negativ's latest Opus "The Final Hours"
You can read it here:
A sentence (in German) we like so much is:
"Wer emotional geladene Text schätzt, sollte RALF RABENDORN kennen, ansonsten fehlt ihr/ ihm ein philosophisches Licht aus dem Untergrund!"
Thank you!
October 24. 2013
The Final Hours (2013)
The brand new concept album by your favourite dark project "Testphasen negativ", entitled "The Final Hours" is out now.
The album comes out exactly one year after the early death of TN's member, Jarosch von der Grünen Alm, who is still a member of the band! (listen and you may understand)
EXTREMELY limited CD edition in a very exclusive, high quality, oversized 6 panel cover plus 4 additional photographs taken by Mr. Rabendorn, who also signed all of these limited versions!
The price for this release is a bit higher, but it was expensive to do and it is worth every cent.
CD available in our Shop. A few also available at our soul-sister-label Against it Records and our friends at Global Hideout are also offering a handful of copies.
Also available the digital version on ALL platforms like iTunes, Amazon (all countries, search for yours) Spotify, Bandcamp etc pp. Keep your eyes open!
September 25. 2013
Our buddy Ralli R.o.CK and his new project(s) The Moan of the Sky (Pure guitar tracks) and Skymoan (full band)
Here is a video of TMOTS feat. Ralli R.o.CK
September 2013
The long awaited new Testphasen negativ album "The Final Hours" is definitely coming on October, the 24th, which is the first death day of the dead Testphasen negativ member "Jarosch von der Grünen Alm".
This album will be a dark melancholic trip to the end of human life...and further.
It comes in a VERY limited edition and within this limited edition in an even more limited edition, because half of the copies come with 4 original printed photographs!
August 2013
Black Hole Raven from Holywood- a 3 man power combo- performs classic dirty 70's rock and they have nothing to do but to save rock and roll.
Their first EP "First Flames" will be released soon as a FREE/Donate download!
Stay tuned for further information.
6. July 2013
The free EP "Perspectives" by Testphasen negativ is online
and waiting for you to download it for FREE!!!
It contains 5 tracks with over 20 minutes of unheard material. Dark and gloomy and mysterious!
Check it here
A NEW Tesphasen negativ EP is coming out TODAY:
It will be for free!
This is a present to all fans and supporters to celebrate the 6. of July (Birthday of the dead Testphasen negativ member) and it is also to say "sorry", because of the postponed and long awaited next album.
The album WILL definitely be released this year in October.
February 2013
The German Underground webzine "Kulturterrorismus" has published a review for Ralf Rabendorn's "Exile" album.
Well, even if it is written "only" in German, we have to (cause we want to) publish it here, too!
The direct link is:
Official words by RaF/Kulturterrorismus
Viele Musikalben verfügen über Berührungspunkte, aber NIEMAND anderes als RALF RABENDORN vermag in einen unendlich Sog von (dunklen) Emotionen zu ziehen, den der Misanthrop(?) auch auf “Exile”, seinem neuen meisterlichen Soundtrack, kredenzt, welchen er aus den Genres (Post-) Rock, (Dark-) Ambient & Black Metal(?) zusammenschraubte – WAHNSINN!
RALF RABENDORN stellt mit Abstand das eindeutigste Beispiel in Sachen aktuelle Labelpolitik dar, wo Mitläufertum ohne Ecken und Kanten dem handwerkliches Können in Kombination mit totaler Eigenständigkeit Vorzug findet, weshalb “Exile” halbwegs im Selbstverlag (als CD-R) über ContraMusikProduktion, Against.it Records & Global Hideout erscheint, anstatt im Form ein gepressten CD über ein großes renommiertes Label.
Brüder im Geiste könnten RALF RABENDORN und meine Person sein, der ebenso im “Exile” verweilt, weil ihn die verrottete Gesellschaft dazu zwingt und er keinen Ausweg aus der aussichtslosen Situation findet, worin der Künstler immer tiefer “einfährt”, wobei Zigaretten usw. ständige Wegbegleiter sind, die nur kurzfristig betäuben, aber schlussendlich keine Lösung beinhalten. Im Endeffekt muss man (Frau auch) sich mit diesem Zustand abfinden, dass die Moderne keine emotionalen Denker (& Lenker) mehr benötigt, sondern intelligenzbefreite Mitläufer, die sich von Industrie & Politik ihr Leben vorschreiben lassen – PUNKT! Nachsatz: Nur zu gut kenne ich die offenbarten Emotionen auf “Exile“, wogegen keine “Volksdrogen” helfen, sondern nur der “nackte” Verstand, der irgendwann die Reißleine ziehen muss. Heißt, letzte Kippe rauchen, letzte Nacht mit Alkohol betäuben, den Körper reinigen, täglich Sport treiben und nicht über die niveaulose Menge nachdenken (und zur Not in Arbeit stürzen) – FERTIG!
Vielleicht bzw. Gewiss verstehen nur Individuen, welche selbst im erklärten “Exile” leb(t)en, RALF RABENDORN und seine Tonkunst, die eine emotionalen Achterbahnfahrt ohne Haltepunkt & Ende gleicht, wodurch das übermannende Hörerlebnis weiter über die Spielzeit hinaus anhält – WAHNSINN! Einen Soundtrack (mit 16 Stücken) dauerhaft auf Spannung zu halten, entpuppt sich bei den meisten Interpreten als Reinfall, hingegen RALF RABENDORN zelebriert Spannungsbögen, meist Abgründe, Lichtblicke unter 1%, am Fließband, weshalb “Exile” Unmengen an Aufmerksamkeit benötigt, um komplett Evaluierung zu finden. Alleine die immense Instrumentierung aus Piano, Gitarre, Bass, Schlagzeug, usw. benötigt x Hörproben, um großteils im Kopf anzukommen. Daneben glänzt RALF RABENDORN abermals mit seiner charismatischen Stimme, die die Texte (RALF RABENDORN und zum Teil G. James Wyrick) mit viel Nachdruck in die finstere Welt hinausbläst. Insgesamt ein massiver, zeitweise undurchdringlicher Soundtrack, den RALF RABENDORN mit “Exile” kreierte, der eindrucksvoll das Elend der Gesellschaft vor Augen führt, wovon die Mehrheit das Release keinesfalls versteht.
RALF RABENDORN Werke besprechen zu dürfen, gehört im Verlauf der vergangenen 10 Jahre betrachtet, zu den Herausforderungen überhaupt, wo sich sein neustes Meisterwerk “Exile” nahtlos einreiht, das in meinen Augen wie Ohren sein persönlichstes (wie emotionalstes) Opus (bisher) darstellt – meine absolute (Kauf-) Empfehlung! PS: Falls Sie “Exile” von RALF RABENDORN nicht verstehen, gehören Sie zur mitlaufenden Masse in Deutschland!
December 2012
"Exile", the new album by Mr. Ralf Rabendorn is now availablel!
Go to our SHOP
Finally the full length album "Exile" by Mr. Ralf Rabendorn is coming.
It sees the light of day just one day before the official end of the world. So be fast to grab your copy.
Actually you can even buy the digital version (together with the CD version, if you want). More infos and links soon.
October the 24. 2012
Official statement from the Testphasen negativ Facebook wall:
Unfortunately Testphasen negativ member Jarosch von der Grünen Alm died on October the 24th.
He passed away much too early.
The remaining member and founder of Testphasen negativ is going to continue this project.
First the saga continues with unreleased material, which has been recorded within the last years.
There are at least 3 albums recorded with the original band members waiting to be released within the next months and years.
There is also one album that will come out "hidden" (not as Testphasen negativ, but....).
Thanks goes especially to the true core of Testphasen negativ fans.
The light, the darkness...may they save us
September 2012
Somethings going on, Ladies and Gentlemen.
The brand new and awaited "Exile" Album by our starving friend Ralf Rabendorn will definitely be released this autumn.
3 labels will release it: Us, our souls sisters of Against it Records and Global Hideout (yes they are somehow becoming to act as a little label, at least for certain CD's).
July/August 2012
Global Hideout is now officially selling some of our rare CD's. They also officially offer the digital versions of our releases at their Digital Download Department at Bandcamp (do you need iTunes?..really?)
-->Global Hideout Official Store (CMP CD selection)
-->Global Hideout Digital Department (lossless formats inclusive)
August 2011:
Digital download version of "Burn, Giant, Burn!" by "Testphasen negativ" now officially available at Bandcamp (Lossless & compressed formats available)
Click HERE
July 2011:
New Ralf Rabendorn CD "Aschenflucht"
out now on Against it Records.
BUY HERE for only 7€ incl. shipping!
January 2011:
Shipping prices now equal for ALL COUNTRIES. Shipping costs for international customers now much cheaper!!!
December 2010:
"LUNALILITH" CD, pro version in pro 6 panel digipak is finally OUT NOW!!!! Download version available, too!
Official release date: 7. December 2010
Second album since 1999.
A really fine melodic indie post rock album with sweet vocals by Irina. Our deluxe release...just beautiful!
Order& infos HERE
November 2010:
Excellent new review for "Iri Li - Broken Summer"
by Kulturterrorismus
>>>>"One of THE best thought out concept albums"<<<<
"Infinitus Ensemble"'s Album "Na, Poleon?" is out on "Against it Records".
First 50 copies on special linen cover!
Unique experimental avant-garde underground radio play (kind of).... far away from mainstream. (feat. Iri Li !)
Available here
July 2010:
Ralf Rabendorn - Fragments of Life
NEW experimental album by Ralf Rabendorn (Testphasen negativ, Infinitus Ensemble, CMP etc) is out now on "Against it records" For friends of MEDUSADA, Avant-Garde, dark experimental Jazz, Ambient, Psychedelic and more.
Pro quality release from our soul-sister label.
Release date: 7.7.2010
Official available for a good price HERE
A unique album with choral/choir sounds (real voices) and dark and deep ambient sound layers. Must have! (Irina)
CMP releases the CD version that comes with the original gapless mix, while AtmoWorks releases the MP3 album version.
IRI LI & Testphasen negativ - DAEMONIUM
Concept mini album (recorded 3nd of 2008) released on the Chinese GiN-Label. Very rare. Comes in a great looking prof. printed cover. Available now in our Distro-Section!!ContraMusikProduktion is presenting the full length album "White" by the Infrared Experience
An album filled with guitar sounds and nothing else. From melodic ambient (post rock) guitar tunes to experimental guitar sound textures. Beautiful melodies mixed with haunting atmospheres.
Limited collectors edition, 3x foldable cover printed on both sides, diamond dyes pro.
Release date: 15. June 2009 (Album is OUT NOW!)
(CMP 21) Testphasen negativ - Burn, Giant, Burn!
This limited collector's edition comes in a new big cover. 3x foldable 13x18cm(=39x18 cm), prof. printed on both sides in black and white on special linen cardboard paper.
Release date: 16. April 2009- OUT NOW!
Available as limited CD & MP3 album !!!!! HERE
Released by the Canadian label "Frequent Sea Records". The newest album featuring Iri Li & Ralf Rabendorn (Testphasen negativ) is out now!
It's available for a reasonable price in our "Distro-section".
R.J. Schrey:
with Kenji Siratori - Future Embryo
A few copies of this dark and noisy baby now in stock in our Distro-section.
The Army of 7
The last copies of the first official R.J. Schrey album (first part of the "7" trilogy, btw) now available in our Distro-section. This is the official version and not the bootlegged BS version!
The Riddle of Freedom
CMP is acting as the main distributor for RJ's new mini album.
The Chinese "GiN"- Label has released this excellent concept mini album on 3" CD that comes in a prof. printed cover and special (sealed) protection bag.The music itself is a mix of experimental music, concrète- noise and more. We have enough (but not too many) copies in stock. Buy this album now and visit the "Distro" section.
Iri Li is a member of the Infinitus Ensemble, co-founder of the MEDUSADA movement/genre and she is also a member of the crew.
R. Rabendorn has produced "Broken Summer" and helped with the artwork, though Iri Li contributed many of her own pictures for the cover. Expect a wonderful MEDUSADA album.
(Experimental/Avantgarde/(Dark)Ambient/Surrealism/Concrète/Field Rec./etc). Many "real" instruments were used (Ac.violin, gong, theremin, piano, guitar,many field recordings and other noises, but also synths & keys).
This album is without a doubt one of the CMP highlights,
therefore we have decided to release it in a great looking digipack.
Release date: 25. December 2008 Album is available!!
Visit our SHOP
Iri Li on MySpace--> Click here!
You are running a webstore/record store? You want to buy some of our albums (or regular Distro CD's) for your store? Contact us HERE for reduced prices etc.. We are currently not interested in trades.